Barry Sanders Supercenter

Oct 25, 2018

It may still be a balmy 90 degrees across Oklahoma, but it is October, and that means winter is coming. Just like in Game of Thrones, it can be pretty serious… if you’re a car, that is. Here’s how to prepare your vehicle for all the snow, ice and snowy ice that is sure to cover Stillwater soon.

icy car tire on silver car

1. Winter can be especially damaging if you don’t have the proper fluids. 

Engine coolant and engine oil are the two protectors of your engine during extreme conditions (for winter, those are below freezing temperatures.) Before the weather gets overly chilly, get an oil change and check all of your engine fluids, including engine coolant. The coolant not only keeps the engine from overheating in the summer, but it fights corrosion, which is vital for a long-lasting engine. No matter if you have a new car or a used car, engine fluids are a must-check before December. 

2. Double check your battery power.
Getting out of bed in the morning when it is 27 degrees is the WORST, right? Well, your car feels the same way. Starting your car is half the battle in the winter, so make sure your battery is up to the challenge. If your battery is more than three years old, you are at risk of battery sabotage. You can get your battery tested for power at our service center. In addition to the battery fluid that powered the battery, check to make sure there is no corrosion on the battery connectors, and that the battery lines are not damaged. If all three of these have been checks, the battery should be good to go. 

3. Spring isn’t the only time that visibility can be a problem. 
Precipitation is precipitation, whether it is frozen or not. You should always have ta good pair of wiper blades on your vehicle in case you get caught driving in a storm. Also, make sure you have wiper fluid. Snow leaves residue, and you’ll want to get it off without getting out of your car. Trust. 

4. Belts and hoses are more prone to breaking or leaking. 
Go through your vehicle and examine all the belts and hoses you can see. Winter is know to make things brittle, and your car’s parts are no exception. The belts and hoses are exposed to high heat once your car is up and running, then they are rapidly cooled down when your done using your car, truck or SUV. This process makes them especially vulnerable to breaks. The best way to prevent this is to check for small cracks or tears before winter begins. If you see any hose or belt problems, it is usually a quick and price-efficient fix. Save yourself time and frustration later in the year.

5. Always be prepared. Have plans for a break down. 
No matter how much you prepare, sometimes winter wins. You should always have the ability to stay warm and safe in your vehicle, even when it is broken down. Also, you should never be stranded without communication in today’s age. Here are the top things Barry Sanders Supercenter suggests having with you while you travel in an emergency kit during the coming months.

  • Blanket(s)
  • Boots
  • A radio
  • A candle
  • A lighter
  • A flashlight
  • An ice scraper
  • A portable cellphone charger

Barry Sanders Supercenter has a great selection of new or used vehicles if you feel it’s time to upgrade before the winter hits. We also have an excellent service center available to meet all your winter prep needs. Give us a call. We would love to help you stay safe on the road this winter.

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